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social welfare function中文是什么意思

用"social welfare function"造句"social welfare function"怎么读"social welfare function" in a sentence


  • 供应职能
  • 社会福利函数


  • Multi - valued social welfare function
  • Social welfare function
  • Application of social welfare function in establishing policy targets for reform of medical sanitary system
  • The highest marginal tax rate can ' t reach one hundred percent even in a society advocating rawls social welfare function if a little attention is paid to labor supply effect given that he government has to achieve the goal of redistribution and finance income
    即使在崇尚罗尔斯社会福利函数的社会里,政府同时兼顾再分配和财政收入目标的基础上,只要略加考虑税收对劳动供给的效应,哪怕是微弱的考虑和兼顾,最高边际税率都不会达到100 % 。
  • This thesis summarizes several basic research domains of welfare economics including social welfare and economic welfare , equality and efficiency , social welfare function , distribution and economic equality , public goods and their externalities as well as globalization and economic sustainable development
用"social welfare function"造句  


In welfare economics, a social welfare function is a real-valued function that ranks conceivable social states (alternative complete descriptions of the society) from lowest to highest. Inputs of the function include any variables considered to affect the economic welfare of a society.
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